Capstans Winch RSS21
A one day course aimed at teaching the competent rigger how to use a Ca..
First Aid At Heights RSS04
Course Introduction A 1 day theory and classroom practical course (9am..
Pole Derrick RSS20
A 1 day course aimed at teaching the already certified climber, the ..
Rope Access ISO 22846 - 2012 formally BS 7985 (Refresher) RSS16
A 3 day refre..
Rope Access ISO 22846 formally BS 7985 RSS15
Course Introduction A 3 day course (9am..
~~Course content
• Industry standards To MBNL HS004, HSE INDG290(rev1)
• Company polic..
Safe Use of Harnesses
A half day entry level course (either 9am - 1pm or 1:30pm - 5pm) designed t..
Working at Heights RSS18
A 1 day course (9am - 5pm) aimed at the new worker to the either th..
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